Thursday, May 3, 2007

NyC here i comes

Here we go. Matty P. is gonig to the city, that ryhmes swet!!!

So, Benttett took us bkca to the bernt taost dinner, us me and ted. We bsted out of prmetietach papre. Ted calls me the new caevman sicne he shavde and in ordre to bust out, i had to bang on stuff like piepes and stuff, i did aewsome. but i am not a cveaman, im matty p. and what do i like, wait for it......WFALLES!!!! So here we are in the bernt taost dinre, ted is in the btharoom, im thinkign i shuold go chcek on him cuz threr is a wierd lgiht comnig from undre the door ovre threr, i hope he is ok. who cares if he blows up, as long as that door is radioatcive man safe, im happy hrer with my wffaales!!!!! bluesburry wffales!!!

Well, druing the tirthy mineute drvie from prematch to the diner, benet managed to play the milkshake song, my humps, opps i do it again, sexybizack, and when dovers cry, if thats how its gonna be the whole tryp, i sewear we are taaping ted to the back of the car and telling him to explode cuz i can take another benet mix tape, i saw abuot seven including benet's hot jams and benet's sexy dance mixes. oh god!!!!

like dis hurr!!!

let me just enjyo thses awesum WFFALES!!!! ok, benets calling, and i btter go check on chernobyl over threr. MATTY P! YEA, nyc here i comes!!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Back at Preimatceh

Well, I wnet to the Brunt Taost Dnier the other day, it rocked, If I had my gun, I wuold hvae pluled it out at the chef, he wuoldnt give me the screet wffale recpie!! Why pull out my gun?? I am Matt Prkamen, its just what I do. I even shto a gril the otehr day, shes ok. In fact I think that girel has deid mroe times than Kenny!!! Anyweay, this palce smells like eggs!! I HATE PRIEMANTCH PAPERE !!!! I LIEK WFFALES! And I will get the sercet receipe if its the last thign I do!! wtach out, matty p is on the case!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

On the Raod

Oaky, so we are on teh raod. Me adn Hnana aer mad at Sparky becuase he pasesd Odssea adn now wrre in Midlnad, TX. Teh olny good thign is the wfalles, i had six of them. Well teh best part of the trip was Chukcie Chesee. I had lots of pzzia, no dunots, but I got a relaly cool przie, six free pzzias! No i dnidt share. It was goning graet utnil I had to pull out my gun, cuase thats jsut waht I do, I dnot know why evryoen got so scraed! And I am not a doody haed. I maen did that lttile boy get the ball itno the 100,000 piont cricle in skeeball, no!

Hanna kepes tlaking aobut 'them' but Ted and I dont evan know who them are. She is gettign anoyning. I raed her mnid the oteher day and all I got was dash dash beep beep bong bgon beep sssssshhh--- beep. Waht a nutjob. I gave up raedign Ted's mnid becuase all I evar get is "Ted mkae good fire" No doodie!! Ted is radoicative. I jsut hpoe we can get mroe wffales in Odseesa berofe we take down Bennet.

Wehn we left CHuckechs, we ntoices that Ted metlted the tires!! Never laeve a raidoacvite man to chnage a tire.

By tihs rate we will be in Odseesa by July.

I wnat wffales!!! Myabe Benett has smoe. Well, tahts all four now.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I am Matt

Hey out threr everynoe, my nmae's Matt Parkman. I wsa a cop in LA a fwe weeks ago, but now I am on a mssion; to get bkac at the man who abdcuted me. He put thses marks on my ncek, its smoe sort of tracking deviec, I dnot know, but I will gte him and I am tkaing him down. i recnetly met thses othre too peopel like me, Hnana and Ted, they are spceial two. Ted, I dnot knwo how, but he can control radiation wiht hsi hnads adn Hnana tlkas wiht comptrues. Me, I cna red midns. We wrer abdutced for too dyas by this man wiht Horn Rmiied Glssas adn thsi Hatian man. They injetced us wiht a trkacking device, lkie aniamls. We hvae a plan to fnid them adn take them down. Primatekc Ppaer is respnosible for thsi adn we got to stop them befeore thye hrut mroe peoeple. I konw what you aer thnking, trust me, yuo thnik that we aer inasne, but evertyhing I hvae siad is the truth. I lsot my job becuz of this, I konw that I am not losing my mind. They will pay. Rghit atfer we sotp at Dunkin Donuts, We aer giong atfer Benent adn hsi wohle fmaily. Adn if ntohing esle wroks, I can bribe him with stloen daimnods.

On aonhter ntoe, blgogging is dififclut for me, srory. And oen mroe thing,
IM gonna be a Ddady!!!!

Hnna Keeps tleling me not to blog adn laeve the copmuter thgins up to her, btu I dont see what teh big dael is. Its not lkie I am mkaing a fool of mseylf.

Matty P. Otu