Saturday, February 24, 2007

I am Matt

Hey out threr everynoe, my nmae's Matt Parkman. I wsa a cop in LA a fwe weeks ago, but now I am on a mssion; to get bkac at the man who abdcuted me. He put thses marks on my ncek, its smoe sort of tracking deviec, I dnot know, but I will gte him and I am tkaing him down. i recnetly met thses othre too peopel like me, Hnana and Ted, they are spceial two. Ted, I dnot knwo how, but he can control radiation wiht hsi hnads adn Hnana tlkas wiht comptrues. Me, I cna red midns. We wrer abdutced for too dyas by this man wiht Horn Rmiied Glssas adn thsi Hatian man. They injetced us wiht a trkacking device, lkie aniamls. We hvae a plan to fnid them adn take them down. Primatekc Ppaer is respnosible for thsi adn we got to stop them befeore thye hrut mroe peoeple. I konw what you aer thnking, trust me, yuo thnik that we aer inasne, but evertyhing I hvae siad is the truth. I lsot my job becuz of this, I konw that I am not losing my mind. They will pay. Rghit atfer we sotp at Dunkin Donuts, We aer giong atfer Benent adn hsi wohle fmaily. Adn if ntohing esle wroks, I can bribe him with stloen daimnods.

On aonhter ntoe, blgogging is dififclut for me, srory. And oen mroe thing,
IM gonna be a Ddady!!!!

Hnna Keeps tleling me not to blog adn laeve the copmuter thgins up to her, btu I dont see what teh big dael is. Its not lkie I am mkaing a fool of mseylf.

Matty P. Otu

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