Thursday, May 3, 2007

NyC here i comes

Here we go. Matty P. is gonig to the city, that ryhmes swet!!!

So, Benttett took us bkca to the bernt taost dinner, us me and ted. We bsted out of prmetietach papre. Ted calls me the new caevman sicne he shavde and in ordre to bust out, i had to bang on stuff like piepes and stuff, i did aewsome. but i am not a cveaman, im matty p. and what do i like, wait for it......WFALLES!!!! So here we are in the bernt taost dinre, ted is in the btharoom, im thinkign i shuold go chcek on him cuz threr is a wierd lgiht comnig from undre the door ovre threr, i hope he is ok. who cares if he blows up, as long as that door is radioatcive man safe, im happy hrer with my wffaales!!!!! bluesburry wffales!!!

Well, druing the tirthy mineute drvie from prematch to the diner, benet managed to play the milkshake song, my humps, opps i do it again, sexybizack, and when dovers cry, if thats how its gonna be the whole tryp, i sewear we are taaping ted to the back of the car and telling him to explode cuz i can take another benet mix tape, i saw abuot seven including benet's hot jams and benet's sexy dance mixes. oh god!!!!

like dis hurr!!!

let me just enjyo thses awesum WFFALES!!!! ok, benets calling, and i btter go check on chernobyl over threr. MATTY P! YEA, nyc here i comes!!!!